Abstract Pastel Painting, One-Day, 5/30


When: Thursday, 5/30, 6 pm - 8 pm

Location: Outdoor location TBD in the Portland vicinity.

Level: Beginner - Advanced

What to Expect: In this abstract pastel painting workshop, learn how to find your own unique style of abstract painting through by letting go and trusting the creative process.

You will have the opportunity to experiment with the following techniques:

  • Layering

  • Blending

  • Scumbling

  • Stippling

  • Gestural painting

We will meditate for a few minutes before painting to help us be as free as possible creatively and to deal with any inhibitions and perfectionism.

No experience is required; just an openness to making new creative discoveries.

A supplies list will be sent when workshop is determined to run. are included,

*Workshop will be held via Zoom if weatter is not feasible for it.
